Frequently Asked Questions

What does a run coach do?

A run coach is a trained professional who helps runners improve their performance and endurance. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate runner, a run coach can provide personalized training plans, offer guidance, and help you reach your running goals more effectively.

Why hire a run coach?

A run coach can be beneficial to anyone wanting to improve their running, set realistic goals, prevent injuries, and maintain motivation and accountability. A coach can provide personalized training plans, offer individualized guidance, and provide the necessary support and expert advice to help an individual achieve their running goals.

Am I “fast enough” to have a run coach?

Yes absolutely, regardless of your speed! This was something I thought before I hired a run coach in 2020. I thought run coaches were only for elite runners, but having a run coach can be beneficial no matter where you are in your running journey!

How often will we meet?

It depends! It will vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. For beginners, it is typically advised to have more frequent check-ins, and as you progress, we can adjust our meetings accordingly, aiming for regular progress evaluations and support to keep you on track.

I’m not local, can I work with you?

Yes! All of my coaching services are available through online platforms and can provide coaching no matter where you are!

What plan should I get?

Tier I - Best for experienced athletes or those who want a personalized plan with not a lot of communication.

Tier 2 - Best for those who want a personalized plan and weekly contact with their coach.

Tier 3 - Best for those who want a personalized plan and lots of contact with their coach.

More Questions? Contact Me.