What is ‘Roner’?

Our wedding day, August 2020

Roner is the name of our sailboat, and is an acronym created by my husband, Adam. Roner stands for “Ready Or Not Early Retirement” which was inspired by his goal of retiring before the age of 40 (which he will do this coming spring!!), and for the past several years we have been on a journey to achieve financial independence.

To me, roner isn’t just about financial freedom and early retirement, but a worldview of breaking free from traditional society and allowing your mind to be set free. This concept ignited a spark within me and enabled me to turn my passion of running and fitness into becoming a run coach.

Not only does my journey to financial independence enable me to follow my career aspirations, it also empowers me to take time for myself as a mother. I prioritize what I spend my money on (like running shoes), but I also prioritize my time, and I strive to design a schedule that places my personal well-being and family first.

On my pursuit of financial independence I continue to clarify my values, and running is a priority for me. Running not only contributes to physical health but also provides mental clarity and stress relief, essential aspects for anyone seeking a balanced and fulfilling life. If you’re thinking about hiring a run coach and prioritizing your fitness and overall health, clarifying your values can help you achieve a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life.

If you want to learn more about financial independence or follow along on our sailing journeys head over to our instagram @ronersailing or ronersailing.com


My Running Story