Welcome to Roner Running

Does this sound like you?

  • You are new to running and not sure where to start

  • You have been running for a while but feel like you’ve reached a plateau

  • You have thought about getting a run coach in the past but haven’t because you thought you weren’t “fast” enough or “good” enough

  • You go through phases of being consistent with running but then don’t run for months

  • You lack running confidence and shy away from calling yourself a “runner”

  • You finish every run feeling fatigued or end up injured

  • You have tried free training plans and they don’t work

  • You are looking for a community of like-minded people you can geek out about running with 

    If you answered yes to any of the above it sounds like you’re ready for a run coach!

Get to Know Me

I’m Celene - a passionate and dedicated runner, wife, mother, and a registered nurse in the Canadian Armed Forces.

As a run coach, I utilize my running experience and knowledge to empower athletes to discover their true potential. My coaching philosophy revolves around creating personalized training programs that empower and motivate athletes to push their limits and crush their run goals. With every athlete, I strive to go above and beyond to ensure they not only succeed in their running endeavours, but also cultivate a healthy mindset and a lifelong love for the sport.

Training Plans

Tier I (Lite)


For the advanced runner looking for a personalized run plan with minimal support.

Tier II (Premium)


For the intermediate runner looking for a personalized run plan with weekly support.

Tier III (Elite)


For the beginner to intermediate runner looking for a personalized plan with unlimited communication with their run coach.



Get Started.
